What's the point?
Currently, I would consider myself an elementary-level, self-educated beer drinker, familiar with many common styles of beer, but itching to learn more about the brewing process, flavors imparted by different types of ingredients and how to fully experience the taste of beer. I want to develop a palate capable of detecting the subtle flavors that the brewer intends drinkers to experience.
How will I get there?
Well, I hope that this blog is going to be a major part of it. The main goal of the blog is to give me a place to archive notes on different beers I try which I'll compare with reviews from experienced drinkers on sites such as ratebeer. I'm also planning on getting into home brewing, where I can experiment a bit and give myself a deeper knowledge of brewing. With the blog, I'll keep notes on home brewing experiences and what I've learned from them. With that combination, and a bit of determined beer drinking, I'm hoping to come out with a greater understanding of the production and enjoyment of one great beverage.
What can you expect?
- Short entries reviewing beers (mostly local microbrews) with my rating
- Photos and notes on beers that I brew (assuming I finally get a home brewing setup)
- Occasional entries on foods that play a role in the enjoyment of various beers
- Rare, brief entries on music whenever I get tired of the normal stuff
Why should you read this?
Why not? If you like beer, I'm hoping to turn you on to new beers to try. If not, maybe you'll like some of the food info. Not into food or beer? (is that possible?) Well there will be a bit of music stuff, some of which I hope you'll dig. Otherwise, perhaps you can have fun dissecting my poor grammar and formulaic writing style. If even that bothers you, go ahead and check out some of the other blogs I link to in the sidebar. Whatever the case, please read it, comment and share. I'm big on the sharing part.
yippee! welcome to blogger land. :) beer is yucky, but i fully support beer breath and a good hobby. love you!